Atef & Hassonah

‘Atef’ is 13 years old. He lives with his sick father and 2 younger brothers in ‘Nagaa ElArab’, Alexandria, which is an old public poor district. The family has only one old mule known as ‘Hassonah’. Atef uses Hassonah to provide food on their table by roaming the streets of Alexandria city to collect scrap from the garbage and resell it for recycling. Atef left school at 8 to help his father, who was unable to work because of severe illness after the death of his mother.

Hassonah is 10 years old mule, which was brought by Atef’s father when Atef was at 3. There is a great bond between both where Atef used to play with Hassonah until he left school to start his job to support the family. Most local animal owners believe that the mules are ferocious animals and cannot be dealt with like a horse or donkey, but, Atef has another opinion. This was obviously seen by our vet Dr. Abdulkhaleq who received Atef and Hassonah in our clinic to check Hassonah’s wound as he had a road accident. Atef knows our clinic in Alexandria since he started to use Hassonah in the work and he has a good relation with our vets as they find him a good example of young animal owner who doesn’t beat his animal. Hassonah was suffering from a lacerated deep wound in the thigh. Because Atef is a caring owner who is feeding and watering his animal regularly, the first thing he thought about after the accident and seeing Hassonah bleeding was going to our clinic and asking for a help. Luckily, the accident was close to our clinic. Our vet provided Hassonah with the necessary help. The treatment provision included sedation, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, stitches and proper bandage. When Hassonah arrived at the clinic, Atef was very worried and gave him kisses and arms to relieve his suffering.

After weeks Hassonah’s condition got improved and the wound started to heal, Atef was happy to see the improvement so was Dr. Abdulkhaleq.

Atef said “I love my mule and care for him; I just didn’t realize that I have to be more careful when driving in a crowded place to become a better owner. I’m very grateful for the Brooke vet Dr. Abdulkhaleq who responded to my emergency case so promptly”